Labor consultancy and Payroll

IC STUDIO works out all kind of personnel management issues thanks to Mr. Ivo Ciraci experience:


Personnel management is a relevant aspect through your whole business and so is its correct planning that – if wisely organized – allows a profitable optimization of the resources.

Our firm offers Labor consultancy in Milan paying attention to all aspects of your personnel management having a long experience in the payroll field.

One of our strong point is REACTIVITY. You will be pleasantly surprised to realize how fastly your requests will be fulfilled.

From hiring of your first employee to payroll management and up to the final part of the working process. Your time is precious and we respect it.

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Come to see us in one of our offices in Milan or Melegnano.

We will be pleased to advice you for the best.

Labor consultancy and payroll management for any business sector

  • Business grading and registration with Social security Authorities (INPS, INAIL, CASSA EDILE, ENPALS… );
  • Employment relationship management: hiring, dismissal, resignation;
  • Payroll/payslip;
  • Periodic deadlines management: UniEmens filing, F24 model, INAIL annual declaration, new CU model (ex CUD), employees withholding tax declaration mod. 770, RLS communication, night shifts and porterage mandatory reports;
  • Management of employees’ disputes on your behalf with trade unions (extrajudicial and judicial);
  • All types of layoff management;
  • Contracts certification, trade unions relations;
  • Domestic workers;
  • Agricultural workers (OTD, OTI, temporary, tractor drivers, horticulture) and DMAG filing;
  • Employees secondment abroad.